Recommended First Nations Archive Catalogue Fields: Full Set and Inventory Subset
{ "now": "2025-01-28T03:27:09.816Z", "expiry": "2025-01-28T03:27:14.605Z" }
Following the Planning stage, it is time to begin setting up for the actual work of archiving your collection. By properly preparing your systems and workspaces for cataloguing, storage, naming and filing, and community access at the beginning you will save a lot of time down the track. It is also important to start training the staff who will be doing the day to day work on the archive.
To prepare to do an audit or catalogue of your collection, you need to choose the right inventory / cataloguing system and metadata set. These guides and templates outline the recommended data fields to use.
This guide outlines recommended platforms and software for cataloguing your collection and/or providing community access, depending on your needs. There is also a policy template for cataloguing platforms and standards.
All archive workers will need training in safe handling and storage of the various media types in the archive collection. These guides outline the different formats for each media type - audio, video and photographic - and describes how to safely handle and store each.
This step by step guide and downloadable document outline how to name each of your physical and digital media items and set up your shelf ordering system.
This guide helps to find where to purchase archival storage boxes, photographic sleeves and labels.
See the guides in section entitled 'Select an archive platform or database system' for recommended platforms for cataloguing your collection and/or providing community access, depending on your needs. FNMA uses the Mukurtu platform, which is outlined in detail in the Share section of the Toolkit. There is also a policy template for cataloguing platforms and standards.
The collection may need to have special secure storage arrangements for mens/women's business or other sensitive content to prevent unauthorised access. These are outlined in section 5 of the 'Shelf Order Systems and Digital File Naming Protocols' guide in the Set up Archive Storage - Shelf Order tab above. The Cultural management policy below provides a tool for managing cultural restrictions for your collection.
You may need to set up different spaces or a roster for people to view or work on or access your archive, such as for men and women, different family groups, or for different media types. The Archive Access policy template is a tool for working out access arrangements for your collection.